Dr. Philipp Lennert
Dr. Lennert counsels private individuals and entrepreneurs in questions of international asset succession planning, tax optimization and asset protection. As a qualified trustee expert, he advises family and non-profit foundations and their beneficiaries in Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The focus is on the planning and implementation of structural measures in coordination with the responsible supervisory authorities and the financial administration in Liechtenstein, Germany and abroad.
Philipp Lennert advises financial service providers on the financial markets of Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Germany on regulatory issues as well as on adjustments to the business model.
Clients appreciate his empathic advice and the joint elaboration of individual solutions. In doing so, Dr. Lennert is often tasked with s managing the process and, as a strategic partner, leads the clients and their external consultants through the complex tasks involved.
As a member of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Philipp Lennert works on a pro bono basis for various charitable projects.
Selected customer references and projects
German, English
Career history
- Public Notary in Liechtenstein (2021)
- Managing Director of the Liechtenstein branch of Flick Gocke Schaumburg Partnerschaft mbB (2014 – 2017)
- Trust Advisor and Member of the Executive Board of Kaiser Partner Trust Services Anstalt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein (2008 – 2014)
- Assistant to the CEO of Kaiser Partner Trust Services Anstalt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein (2007 – 2008)
- Legal counsel in the District Court of Frankfurt am Main (2004 – 2006)
- Scientific employee of European Business School Finanzakademie GmbH, Oestrich-Winkel (2000 – 2007)
- “Compliance for Financial Services” course at the Academy for Law, Taxation and Economics, Vienna (2017)
- Admitted as a European lawyer with the Liechtenstein Bar (2015)
- Diplomlehrgang “Treuhandwesen” at the University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz (2013)
- Certification as CFP © in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Planners Organization (2010)
- Compact Study “Testament Execution” at the European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel (2007)
- Specialized course “Tax Law” at Steuer- und Wirtschaftsakademie GmbH, Frankfurt (2007)
- Admitted as a lawyer with the Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main (2007)
- Doctoral studies at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt (2004 – 2005)
- Summer School: “Bank and Capital Market Law at the Institute” for Law and Finance (ILF), Frankfurt 2005
- Certification as CFP © in Germany by the Financial Planning Standards Board (2003)
- Postgraduate Master’s Program “International and European Business Law” at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt (2002-2003)
- Intensive Study “Estate Planning” at the European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel (2003)
- Studied law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and the Università degli studi di Milano, Italy (1997-2003)
- Contact study “Financial Economics” at the European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel (2000 – 2001)
- German Bar Association, Frankfurt am Main
- Liechtenstein Bar Association
- Chamber of Notaries Liechtenstein
- FPSB Financial Planning Standards Board Germany e.V.
Lectures (selected)
- Functionality and possible uses of foreign, in particular Liechtenstein foundations for the purposes of income tax, inheritance tax and gift tax optimization, lecture at the Osborne Clarke Tax Law Seminar 2019, Hamburg
- “Liechtenstein: Update“, Lecture at the FGS-DACHLI Autumn Event 2017, Zurich
- “Market Access Germany – Regulatory Framework and Implementation Models”, Lecture at the FGS-DACHLI Autumn Event 2016, Zurich
- “The concrete impact of BEPS on Liechtenstein – What entrepreneurs and practitioners have to expect”, IFA-Fachsymposium 2016, Vaduz
- “Automatic information exchange in tax matters: initial situation, mode of operation and reporting requirements for financial services providers”, presentation after-work-meeting 2015, Zurich
- “Quo Vadis Liechtenstein: Opportunities and Challenges for Financial Services Providers”, Lecture FGS-Spring Event 2015, Zurich
- “The Liechtenstein Foundation in the succession planning”, lecture within the framework of the 11th German Erbrechtssymposium 2009 in Heidelberg
- “The Liechtenstein Foundation Right after April 1, 2009: What remains, what comes?”, Presentation Family Office Conference 2009
- “The Total Revision of the Liechtenstein Foundation Law”, Lecture Specialist Conference Estate Planning 2009
Publications (selected)
- Foreign family foundations as an instrument of tax structuring, in: Gosch / Grotherr / Bergmann, Steuerplanung und Compliance, 2020
- Comments on the BFH-Court decision from 5.12.2018 – II R 9/15, IStR 20/2019
- “Taxation of the charitable Liechtenstein Foundation” in: Moritz / Strohm, Manual Taxation of Private Investments, Specialized Media Law and Economics, 2017
- “The Liechtenstein Private Foundation” in: Feick, Foundation as a Successor, Beck, 2015
- “The enticing view on the domestic market: Foundation law in Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein”, The Foundation – Special Edition Family Business & Foundation 2013
- “Legislative safety before national courts: interpretation of Article 4 EWRA (Discrimination Prohibition)”, ZEuP 1/2012
- “Liechtenstein: double taxation agreements concluded with Germany”, ZEV 4/2012
- “Piercing the veil of foreign foundations on the basis of the German ordre public – A note on the judgment of the Higher Regional Court of 30 April 2010, I-22 U 126/06”, IStR 13/2011
- “Foreign succession solutions in the focus of German law: The German ordre public as a means of combating tax evasion”, DST 6-7 / 2011
- “Liechtenstein: EFTA Court confirms regulations on the safeguarding of process costs”, ZEV 3/2011
- “Tax legislation Liechtenstein confirmed by ESA”, IStR 5/2011
- “The interpretation of the actorial guarantee in the light of the General European Discrimination Law in Article 4 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area: EFTA Court Judgment of 17 December 2010 (Case E-5/10)”, LJZ 1/2011
- “Liechtenstein Foundation – Ineffective donations to beneficiaries?”, ErbR 2/2011
- “Liechtenstein is a member of the EFTA Court”, PRIVATE 2/2011
- “Liechtenstein: Parliament approves tax reform”, ZEV 10/2010
- “Liechtenstein Foundation – Invalidity of grants to beneficiaries”, PRIVATE 7/2010
- “The Liechtenstein Foundation, which is subject to the instructions, a contract in favor of a third party?”, LJZ 2/2010
- “Liechtenstein: Government draft on tax reform adopted”, IStR 13/2010
- “Tax reform Liechtenstein”, PRIVATE 4/2010
- “Heirs must hurry”, PLATOW right, No. 60, 2010
- “Note on the OLG Stuttgart v. 29.06.2009 (5 U 40/09): Effective establishment and legal consequences of a foundation under Liechtenstein law”, ZEV 5/2010
- “Liechtenstein Foundation – donation in favor of a third party to the death?”, PRIVATE 2/2010
- “Timeline: Tax Information Exchange Agreement between Germany and Liechtenstein”, PRIVATE 12/2009
- “Germany concludes agreements on cooperation and exchange of information with Liechtenstein”, IStR 21/2009
- “Liechtenstein: Agreement on cooperation and information exchange in tax matters with Germany”, ZEV 10/2009
- “The Liechtenstein Foundation: A design instrument for asset protection for German private individuals”, PRIVATE – Geld-Spezial 2009
- “Country report: Liechtenstein”, Handbook on private wealth 2009
- “The new Liechtenstein foundation right: civil and tax classification according to the foundation reform”, ZEV 4/2009
- “The new Liechtenstein founding right: an instrument of international succession planning”, PRIVATE 1/2009
- “Liechtenstein: Founding of the right to reform the foundation”, ZEV 8/2008
- “Liechtenstein: Amendments to the Founding Law”, ZEV 2/2008
- “The company succession control at the crossroads: the development and design of the taxation of the company succession from the point of view of the Treaty on the European Community and German constitutional law”, Duncker & Humblot, 2006
Practice areas
Private Clients
- Legal and tax asset planning
- National and international asset succession planning as well as asset protection planning
- Advice founders of private or charitable foundations in Liechtenstein, Germany and Switzerland
- Assess complex trust, trust and corporate structures with regard to their tax treatment and possible tax-related risks
- Wills and inheritance contracts
- Inheritance tax advice
- Matrimonial property planning, marriage agreements, divorce agreements
- Probate, execution of wills, succession proceedings, inheritance processes
- International estate processing
- Immigration law planning in Liechtenstein, Germany and Switzerland
- Founding and participation management, purchase and sale of companies
- Formation of virtual or consistent family office structures
Corporate and financial market law
- Founding and managing of companies in Liechtenstein and Germany
- Approval procedures for financial service providers in Liechtenstein and Germany
- Company merger and acquisition
- Structuring private label funds